среда, 16 декабря 2009 г.
понедельник, 14 декабря 2009 г.
Конституция класса
Статья 1. Права и обязанности старосты класса.
Староста обязан быть в курсе всех внеклассных и классных новостей.Должен осуществлять порядок и чистоту в классе, стирать с доски и ставить стулья на место.Староста отвечает за каждого ученика в нашем классе.
Статья 2. Обязанности ученика.
Присутствуя на уроке каждый ученик обязан учиться.Каждый ученик обязан вести себя корректно по отношению к учителю и к ученикам, обязан иметь хороший внешний вид.
Cтатья 3. Права ученика
Каждый ученик имеет свободу мнения.Ученик имеет право пользоваться любым классным инвентарем с разрешения учителя или старосты класса.Также учащийся имеет право на дополнительные и исправительные работы.
Cтатья 4. Запрещение дискриминации в класса.
Ни один ученик нашего класса не может быть подвергнут дискриминации по половым, и расовым признакам, по цвету кожи, религии, политическим и иным убеждениям.
Статья 5. Запрещение пыток
Ни один из учеников не может быть подвергнут пыткам, ни бесчеловечному или унижающему его достоинство наказанию.
Статья 6. Право на отдых
Каждый ученик имеет право на 15 минутный отдых во время перемены.
Статья 7. Права классного руководителя
Обязан вводить класс в курс школьной жизни и других новостей, обязан проводить классный час на которым он должен выслушать и ответить на все вопросы нашего классного коллектива.
Статья 8. Обязанности ученика во время урока.
Ученик обязан внимательно слушать учителя, принимать участие в групповых заданиях, вести рабочую тетрадь, выключать мобильный телефон перед уроком. Ученику запрещается разговаривать во время урока.
Статья 9. Свобода помощи
Каждый ученик имеет право воспользоваться помощью своего соседа по парте или соответственно оказывать помощь самому.
Статья 10. Личная неприкосновенность
Каждый ученик нашего класса имеет право на личную неприкосновенность.
Статья 11. Свобода дружбы в классе
Каждый ученик нашего класса имеет право на общение и дружбу в нашем классе.
Статья 12. Запрещение насилия
Ни один из учеников нашего класса не может быть подвергнут физическому или моральному насилию.
Статья 13. Право на уважение личности
Каждый имеет право на уважение его мнения, идей, идеологии, расы, цвета кожи, рода.
Статья 14. Право голосования
Каждый ученик имеет право голосования во время различных классных викторин, праздником, лотерей, собраний.
Статья 15. Право участия в олимпиадах.
Каждый ученик нашего класса, успеваемость которого по любому предмету выше среднего балла, имеет право участвовать в различных школьных олимпиадах, не считая городские.
суббота, 12 декабря 2009 г.
четверг, 10 декабря 2009 г.
вторник, 8 декабря 2009 г.
Article about school
Our school is very old. It was built in 1923. Our school was the first russian school in Estonia. In 20-30th years it was unique russian school in Estonia for that time with a real branch and separate training of boys and girls. First our school was located in small building in old town. Then our school moved to judish school, we have rented part of premises. In 1944 our school moved to nowadays place Kreutzwaldi, 25. In 1944 there were a lots of different subjects which are not teaching now like astronomy, Latin language, politiс and ethics. Our school have been finished by many famous people like writer - Gibin, patriarch - Ridiger, the main architect of Tallinn city Bruns and other.
P.S check my report please.
вторник, 24 ноября 2009 г.
To: School magazine
From: Daniil Kuznetsov
Date: 30.11.09
Subject: Transport situation in Tallinn
The aim of the report is to examine the transport situation in Tallinn, a small town in the north of Estonia.
There are several positive things worth pointing.
1)There are many modern busses in our town.
2)There are a lot of comfort tramms in our town, which can be used for short distances.
3)There are some good bicycle tracks near our beaches.
4)There are many conductors, who look for the order in transport.
However, there are many things which could be improved.
1)There are many vagabonds in tramms and busses who smell very bad.
2)Some kind of transport is very slow - it's tramms.
3)Transport tickets are not so cheap.
4)We don't have fast transports like a tube.
5)We need more modern roads, because old roads make to much noise.
6)There are many car parks, which a very close to living areas.
a) On the one hand there is a very modern and comfort public transport in Tallinn, but on the other hand it is not so cheap.
b)Second problem is car parking near living areas.
c)And the main problem is that there are not many pedestrian areas near brisk territories.
I think we should do everything to solve this problems. Write our requests and requirements to the goverment structures and newspapers and do something ourself.
среда, 18 ноября 2009 г.
Traffic jams
понедельник, 9 ноября 2009 г.
In our country we have very old planes. If i become minister of transport i will buy a lot of new planes from USA or from Russia. If our goverment save enough money for me, i will do everything what is really possible for everyone. If i had got a lot of money, i would buy a car for everyone.
вторник, 3 ноября 2009 г.
понедельник, 2 ноября 2009 г.
Changes in my life.
воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.
Joke with Present Perfect Continious
"Go on," said the Scot, "have another drink."
The Englishman drank gratefully. "But don't you want one, too?" he asked the Scotsman.
"Perhaps," replied the Scotsman, "after the police have gone."
пятница, 16 октября 2009 г.
Декларация прав человека Статья 9
четверг, 15 октября 2009 г.
BBC NEWS - IPhone killer
The following day sees the release of the Palm Pre in the UK, a much-anticipated device which has been in development for seven years.
It debuts its own operating system - webOS - which aims to mimic desktop operating systems.
It allows users, for instance, to switch between applications in the same way as programs are multi-tasked on a home computer.
It has been touted as an "iPhone killer" since its release in the US in June.
Figures from market research firm TNS suggest the Pre-Palm launch could outshine the debut of the iPhone in 2007.
It surveyed 1,000 UK adults and found that 27% of existing O2 customers would be "keen to buy" the Palm Pre, compared with 17% wanting the iPhone prior to launch.
It will be available via 02, to anyone signing up for a two-year £34.26 monthly contract.
For those reluctant to sign up for lengthy contracts, smartphones are currently expensive.
To get a "pay and go" version of O2's iPhone 3G, for example, will cost a hefty £342.50.
According to Forrester the prepaid market in the UK accounts for around 65% of mobile users but data tariffs for users are not as attractive as those on contracts.
For anyone on a contract, mobile internet is bundled pretty much as standard these days.
If smartphones are to go truly mass market cheaper handsets and data charging tariffs that are attractive to the pre-paid market will be essential, said Mr Wood.
"£35 a month is a lot of money to some and we predict that smartphones will be available below £100 in 2010, alongside tariff innovation," he said.
четверг, 8 октября 2009 г.
A Story
We like playing football and finishing with the words We like football! The weather was very very hot and water was too perfect, so we went swimming to the sea. All people from our company are really nice swimmers. Everyone like swimming in the sea. But when Ricky bathed so far from us, he felt what something damaged him from bottom. It was very big shark. He was scarying very loud when shark bit his leg. Suddenly some strange fish damaged this shark and Ricky was escaped. Ricky didn't has a time to say something, this strange fish gone. After then he got to the coast and reiceved first medecine help from the doctors, we went home. So very strange question which fish escaped Ricky stayed for us.
We all felt very happy to be back home.
четверг, 1 октября 2009 г.
Taking of Pelham 123
"Taking of pelham 123 (thriller)
2) What was this film about ?
It's a story about four heavily armed men board the New york City subway 6 train departed from Pelham Bay park station at 1:23 p.m., and proceed to take control of it.
3)Who were in it ?
John Travolta - bad man
Denzel Washington - train dispatcher
4)What i think of it ?
I think that situation- interesting, dialogues - very nice, situation was perfect
5) What was not so good ?
The film wasn't so long and i think that films like this must be more longer
6) What was the best scene ?
I think that the scene in underground was the best.