воскресенье, 17 апреля 2011 г.

The only way to cut crime in our country is to make punishment more severe.

I really agree with that the must make punishment more severe. Many people make crime because they think that goverment will not find justice for them.

Mostly, crime commite by people, who know their rights. They think, that nothing will happend after their crime. For them it is nothing to kill someone and then pretend as afflicted person. After staying in a prison for about 3-4 years, they will back on track with the same intentions.

In my opinion, goverment must spare more time to this problem. Without working with this problem more and more people will be endangered. Аdoption of new laws сould strongly affect at many people proned to crime.

If goverment accept all this new laws, which can strongly affect at criminals, they will not have nothing, how to be lost in thought. I think that it is the most right method to fight against crime in the streets nowadays, because big amount of policemen in the streets does not bring success.

Having a strong punishment , crime will disappear.