Cloning is a very big innovation, which many countries try to discover well. I think that cloning should be banned because each organism has his own merits. Also cloning is a very expensive biology process.
Firstly, many countries goverments spare big amounts of many to discover cloning more deeper. We know, that nowadays, scientists are not able to clone people, so I think cloning is not usefull nowadays. Instead of cloning goverments can pick out cloning money for another important things, such as homelessness, drugs using and bad quality of life which are more important than this expensive research like cloning.
Secondly, if clonning become actual, our earth will be very crowded. We will face with many problems such as hunger, wars, diseases. I think that it is better to ban cloning, than focalize more scary and difficult problems, which are very difficult to fix.
Thirdly, each organism has his own merits, history and way of life. If we clone many different organisms, all it will dissapear and our life will be like a long road full of same, boring and gray cars. Everything will be the same and the roots with a significance of many merits will be lost.
Cloning is very difficult proccess, which can strongly change the way of life in our earth.
on our Earth