In my opinion many people like to travel and I am not an exception. When you travel around the world you make friendship with people of other nationalities, find out many interesting things and the main thing is that you keep your memories for a long time.
Firstly, there are many countries, cultures, places which I want to open for myself.Every place has its own feature, which attracts me. I think that it is flatly to live in a same place during all the life and do not find out anything new.
Secondly, If I travel I receive good life experience. I communicate with people of another nationalities who have another point of view and another worldview. It is very interesting to hear, what they think about different kinds of things.
Thirdly, in my childhood I used to travel with my parents, for me it was uninteresting, but when I became more older, I started to travel myself or with my friends. Travelling helps me to be more self-dependented. During travelling I try to fix many problems without outside help.
I like to travel because travelling is a big compilation of experience, which helps me in my everyday life.
outside help?????????